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What is the future development prospect of polyurethane modularization?

Product Name: Vibrating screen mesh

Material: PU/polyurethane/rubber

type:modular/tensioned/high frequency etc.

Popular Dimension: Can be customized.

Customization: Available

Standard service life: 6~12 months

Delivery: 15-45 days depending on the quantity


WhatsApp/WeChat: 86-15621266667

What is the future development prospect of polyurethane modularization? Undoubtedly, the answer is very good. Why is it so sure? Regarding the polyurethane screen plate, the material is better than the ordinary, iron wire or other screen meshes currently on the market. .
And its installation and replacement are simple and convenient, no mining industry will not choose it, so for further development, polyurethane screen plate will become a giant material in the future.

What is the future development prospect of polyurethane modularization?-CHAISHANG | Polyurethane Screen Mesh,Rubber Screen Panels,High frequency screen mesh,Belt Cleaner,Flotation Cell

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